1 Minute Read

After completing my journey to becoming both an OSCE and a SLAE64 I have again shifted my next certification goal to the the OSEE! However, just like last time there are still some prerequisites that need to be addressed.

From looking at the official course recommended prerequisites on the BlackHat 2019 page it is clear this course requires familiarity with the following:

Students should be experienced in exploit development for Windows and understand how to operate a debugger.
Familiarity with WinDbg, Immunity Debugger, and Python scripting is highly recommended.

The part that really stood out was needing to be familiar with both Immunity Debugger and Python … and as fate would have it the PentesterAcadamy Python for Pentesters course has an entire module explicitly about that very thing!

So, thus begins my journey to try to attain the SPSE certification for the Python for Pentesters course to better prepare for eventually going for the OSEE!

Python for Pentesters (SPSE)

Jonathan Crosby

growing my chops in cybersecurity
(all opinions are my own and not the views of my employer)