3 Minute Read

I got tired of needing to install the cacert from burp into emulated android images … so below is a quick and dirty function in order to get the cert installed. Just make sure you have burp running on

Note: First, I switched over to macOS since writing the first post so this is for zsh … it’s super close to bash but you will need to update the read’s if you are using bash (something like read -n 1 -s -r -p "message here"). Second, I am on an M1 mac so you will need to update arm64-v8a to whatever your system is configured for. Finally, I run all my mobile traffic on a different port (8081) so you will want to make sure your http_proxy is correct for your system.

That said, on to the code:

# helper function to jump into a tmp directory
function tmpdir {
	mkdir $TMP_DIR
	cd $TMP_DIR

# can call it like androidtest some-app.apk or just androidtest
function androidtest {
    kill $(ps auwx | grep androidsecuritytest | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') 2>/dev/null
    sleep 2
    rm ~/.android/avd/androidsecuritytest.img 2>/dev/null
    mksdcard -l androidsecuritytest 1024M ~/.android/avd/androidsecuritytest.img 2>/dev/null
    avdmanager delete avd -n androidsecuritytest 2>/dev/null
    avdmanager create avd --force --name androidsecuritytest --package 'system-images;android-32;google_apis;arm64-v8a' --device "pixel_4_xl" --sdcard ~/.android/avd/androidsecuritytest.img
    sed -i.bak 's/hw.keyboard=no/hw.keyboard=yes/' ~/.android/avd/androidsecuritytest.avd/config.ini
    rm ~/.android/avd/androidsecuritytest.avd/config.ini.bak
    emulator -avd androidsecuritytest -writable-system -no-snapshot &  \
    echo "---------------------------"
    read "?when emulator is fully loaded press any key to continue"
    echo "---------------------------"
    curl --silent --proxy -o cacert.der http://burp/cert
    openssl x509 -inform DER -in cacert.der -out cacert.pem
    cp cacert.der $(openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem |head -1).0
    adb push $(openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem |head -1).0 /sdcard/
    adb root
    sleep 5
    echo -n "avbctl disable-verification" | adb shell
    adb disable-verity
    sleep 5
    adb remount
    sleep 5
    adb reboot
    echo "---------------------------"
    read "?when emulator is fully loaded press any key to continue"
    echo "---------------------------"
    adb root
    sleep 5
    adb remount
    echo -n "su 0 mount -o rw,remount /system" | adb shell
    echo -n "mv /sdcard/$(openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem |head -1).0 /system/etc/security/cacerts" | adb shell
    echo -n "chmod 644 /system/etc/security/cacerts/$(openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem |head -1).0" | adb shell
    adb shell settings delete global http_proxy
    adb shell settings delete global global_http_proxy_host
    adb shell settings delete global global_http_proxy_port
    adb shell settings put global http_proxy

    if [ $1 ]; then
    	adb install -r -t --no-streaming $1

    rm $(openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem |head -1).0
    rm cacert.pem
    rm cacert.der

Source where commands orignally came from

If all goes according to plan the cert is installed and your emulator will reboot, after which you should be able to update the wifi proxy settings and you will be good to go!

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Jonathan Crosby

growing my chops in cybersecurity
(all opinions are my own and not the views of my employer)